What we can do for you


What To Expect

Implementing UniDesk will require decision making, training and a small degree of technical work from your institution. It is highly recommended that you establish a project team that represents all areas of the organisation who will be using the service. Most institutions have nominated “Super Users” who champion the use of UniDesk in their roles and have an excellent working understanding of the service. These are normally embedded within each team at a First- and Second-Line level.


What We Provide

New member onboardings are tailored to each institution through understanding how they operate, and a tailored onboarding plan developed. The commonality of processes and customisations allow our members to on-board in a short timescale. Members are empowered to make local changes to further customise UniDesk to match their institution’s organisational hierarchy.


These slides give an overview of the decisions that your institution will be required to make to create your own UniDesk environment suitable for your needs. It also covers the on-boarding process to ensure that you are kept up to speed at all points of the project to become a member of the UniDesk family.

Module Usage

As part of the standard subscription a new member institution will Go Live with Call Management, Self Service Portal, and Quick Calls. UniDesk supports additional modules including Problem, Change and Asset however our recommendation is to focus on the adoption of the core modules as introducing a new ITSM tool can be overwhelming.

Service Management Consultancy

Our members have access to consultancy during the planning and rollout stages when they join UniDesk. Our consultancy design support experts work with our members to understanding their local environment and where the ITIL framework (and the UniDesk tool support) should be adapted to suit.

Our trainers will advise on how ITIL can be applied, used effectively to improve services and how the disciplines map across services. The consultation will provide recommendations based on years of best practice with ITIL and tailored to suit the member’s particular setup. The process design consultation session(s) are completed prior to the hand-over of a member’s TEST environment, as this includes all required customisations.

The goal of these sessions is to ensure that
members understand the common process and can choose and define their institutionally devolved options. Operator training is not covered within these sessions as the overviews are aimed towards permiting informed decision making rather than full operational understanding of the module.

Self Service Portal

Institutions are supplied with a Test Environment and samples will be provided on possible layouts. A “mock-up” loosely based on what we see on your web pages provides sample essential components to experiment with. As part of this some of the key decisions to be made include:


  • If you do not have a Service Catalogue, we would advise that you start formalising it. You will find this extremely useful when developing your Self-Service offering
  • Decide how you will present these Services to users, to which groups (Staff/Student) and what
    information you will use for describing what you do
  • Identify the frequent interactions from users and use these as a starting point for creating Self Service Forms
  • Identify marketing activites required within the institution to drive usage of Self-Service Portal and awareness

Call Management

Call Management is UniDesk’s Incident Management process. There are several decisions required to customise call management to meet your institutions best practice.

  • SLAs (one for all services or service-based SLA) and Service Windows (when you operate)
  • Review the automated email templates and customise as appropriate (HTML, plain text,
    signatures, logos, etc)
  • Call priorities
  • Categories and Filters for processing calls, helping decide reporting requirements
  • Standard Solutions – get Top 10 from each team (even the senior support teams!)
  • Reporting. Stock reports are provided

Organisational Structure

  • The institution’s organisational structure needs mapped into UniDesk. In most cases this is a two-level organisational hierarchy (College and Faculties with Schools or Departments underneath them). A session is set up with our ITIL team to facilitate this process.
  • Determine “who” will be registered. Will it be staff, students, applicant, alumni, visitors, etc.
  • Map out Operators, Groups and Permissions. Essentially who will be a UniDesk “Operator” and
    use it to fulfil requests, which Teams they will be in and what abilities they should have
  • Utilise location data and import campuses, buildings, etc.

Project Communication

The institution is kept informed at all stages of the project to on-board to UniDesk. This includes the
project key roles, timelines, and major milestones. The new member will be expected to provide a senior user who will represent the interests of their institution. They will liaise with the Project Sponsor (UniDesk Service Owner) and Business Lead (UniDesk Service Operational Manager) to ensure that the project deliverables are met. Meetings will be set up at a regular frequency to provide both project updates and remote training sessions.

In addition to regular project catchups the Business Lead sends out communications including checklists for Go Live.

A full UniDesk Process Manager and Institutional Administrator Welcome Pack

This gives the institution’s “UniDesk Representative” a full view on what can and cannot be changed as part of the shared service. It outlines what can be customised and what administrative tasks are within the institution’s control. This includes information such as:

  • UniDesk Change Board and Change Process
  • Permissions
  • Creating Operators/Operator Groups
  • Deleting Data
  • Filters
  • Org structure
  • Categories
  • Mail imports and templates
  • Dashboards
  • Service Windows
  • Sample Checklist for on boarding another team within the institution
What You Get

Guidance For Go Live

As the Go Live approaches the relevant contacts or project representatives will receive summary information confirming operator training, module adoption and dedicated support arrangements. As part of this the institution receives the following tailored documentation:

Call Management ‘Train the Trainer’

The aim of this classroom part theory, part practical training session is to equip our member’s nominated ‘trainers’ with the knowledge required to advise and train colleagues in call management within UniDesk. The session introduces the tool and highlights the benefits that UniDesk will bring as well as providing overview of terminology and the call management process. There is also a practical element to the session which ensures that all attendees have familiarity with using the tool ahead of go live.

Operator Checklist for Go Live

In addition to formal training being provided as part of the on-boarding process we supply a supplementary pack for those who were unable to atend or act as a revision for those who have been trained. This includes information on:

  • Accessing UniDesk Environments
  • Looking up Users
  • Logging calls
  • Creating Selections
  • Dashboard process Selections
  • Customising the Environment depending on their team

A Full Operator Welcome Pack

The Operator Welcome pack describes all the essentials of UniDesk operation. It is tailored for the institution to give them information on core components and processes of the service that are included from Go Live. There will be some assumed knowledge in this pack based on prior consultation and training. The content of this document is not exhausve and is to provide the essential operating information for operators for Go Live and shortly beyond it. The pack includes the following information:

  • Logging Calls and Walkthrough of Call Management process (practical)
  • Call Types, Categorisation, Priorities and SLAs
  • Status handling and email triggers
  • Major Calls and SSP
  • Standard Solutions and Knowledgebase
  • Reporting and Best Practice
  • Known Errors for the particular UniDesk version

Onboarding Timeline

Throughout the on-boarding process the institution is kept well-informed of project progress with emails including easy-to-read timelines


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